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inch lg 4k tv is a no luxury replica bags But numbers have declined over the past decade and this year only 37 have arrived at the reserve, down a third from last year's total of 59 geese.But another winter visitor to the RSPB reserve the Barnacle goose has seen its numbers increase at Ynys hir every year for the last decade, with more than 300 arriving this year."All we can do is make sure they have enough to feed on during their stay between mid October and mid April."The unusual looking Greenland White fronted goose is dark coloured, with only a very narrow white tip to the tail, more black barring on its belly, and usually has an orange bill.Mr Willis, added: "The large drop in numbers this year could also mean that the flock has split."The number of habitats suitable for them on the Dyfi estuary has increased so it may be that we haven't spotted another group."They are very family orientated and move in tight formation, so this is quite possible....